Week 1 March 21, 2020
First week of confinement.
First week of confinement.
Introducing a way to unpack the packs.
What about Symfony 4 performance? We worked on specific performance improvements for Symfony 4, but several non-performance related core changes help with performance as well.
Private recipes repositories support added to the Symfony Flex server.
A quick update on recent changes in Symfony Flex.
After a long discussion in the community, the directory structure was slightly changed.
Eager to test Symfony 4. At least, the current preview version? Let’s do it now.
The Symfony Recipes are opinionated, but anyone can contribute.
Time to introduce Symfony Flex, Symfony 4 secret weapon. Learn more about what it can do for you.
Symfony 4 has a slightly reworked directory structure. Incremental adjustments to support new features and best practices.
Any major version of a project is an opportunity to revisit its best practices. Modernizing them. Adapting them to the project’s new features. Symfony 4 is no exception.
Monolith projects versus micro-applications; Symfony 4 supports both.
Symfony 4 is going to be much more than just a cleaned-up version of Symfony 3.
Symfony is a trademark and I’m trying to protect the brand with a trademark policy. Why?
It’s advent calendar time! Discover my new 24 days series about PHP performance optimization.
Three years ago, I published a series of articles about how to create a framework on top of the Symfony components. An updated version is now available.
The one where I talk about my latest project: Blackfire.io
Let’s celebrate version 1.0!
I’m moving most of my projects to Github organizations.
The PHP Security Advisories Database is now public domain and has moved to a new organization.
About a year ago, I started to sign all my Open-Source project releases. Here is how you verify the integrity of what you’ve installed in your project.
The one where I explain my plans about my project PEAR channels.
Today, I’m really excited to announce that SensioLabs just raised 5 million euros (about 7 million dollars) to boost Symfony and its ecosystem.
In this second part of the series, we are going to install the Symfony Standard Edition and start cleaning it as much as possible.
This is the first part of a series of articles about packing a Symfony full-stack application in one file. This one explains why this might come in handy and why the challenge itself is interesting.
Everybody knows about “Convention over Configuration” introduced by Rails. What about “Stability over Features” for Symfony?
The one where I announce the launch of security.sensiolabs.org.
Enjoy using the Symfony Web Profiler into your Silex application.
Choosing a PHP framework is not easy. Why would you choose Symfony over framework X?
Rants about PHP are everywhere but do you really know what PHP can do for you nowadays?
Today is my “let open source some of my private Github repositories” day, and more specifically, I’m releasing a bunch of code related to documentation.
In the twelveth part, we are using a dependency injection container to make your framework truly configurable.
In the eleventh part of the series, we are going to remove most of the code we have written so far!
In the tenth part of the series, we are making the applications built with our framework faster thanks to HTTP caching.
In this ninth part of the series, our framework will become more extensible.
In this eight part of the series, we are making our framework more robust by writing some unit tests for it.
In this seventh part of the series, we are looking into refactoring our framework for better reusability.
In this sixth part of the series, we are going to stat using the HttpKernel component.
In this fifth part of the series, we are going to talk about controllers.
In this fourth part of the series, we are going to use the Symfony2 Routing component.
In this third part of the series, we are going to create our first “real” framework.
In this second part of the series, we are going to use the Symfony2 HttpFoundation component.
The first part of a series of articles where I will show you how to create your own framework based on the Symfony2 Components.
Last week, I held a keynote presentation about Symfony2 at the Symfony Day conference in Cologne. Many people asked me for the slides, but they were quite empty and not that useful. This blog post is more or less what I’ve said during the first part of the talk.
People like micro-optimizations. They are easy to understand, easy to apply… and useless. But some time ago, while reviewing pull requests for Twig, I read an interesting discussion about the performance of the ternary operator in PHP. Here is what I learned.
I often favor pragmatism over theory; probably because programming is how I earn a living but also because I don’t have any computer science degree and what I know I’ve learned from my experience.
I have a dream that one day I will receive a postcard each time a new Symfony website is deployed to production.
A quick tip on iterators.
You should learn how to take advantages of PHP Iterators and Streams.
How do you find files and directories with PHP? Do you use Iterators? If not, you probably should… or keep reading for a better and simpler way.
The one where I talk about the new and shiny Symfony 2 CSS Selector Component, a tool that converts CSS selectors to XPath expressions.
This has been an amazing week for me, Symfony, and the whole Symfony community. With more than 350 attendees coming from more than 30 countries, the Symfony Live conference was a blast.
My first exposure to YAML was in 2001, back in the days when I was mainly working with Perl. When I started to use PHP at the end of 2004, one of the first thing that bothered me immediately was the poor support for YAML.
This year, I traveled in 7 countries for PHP conferences, giving a total of 12 talks. It has been a very exiting year of conferences for me.
Some weeks ago during the Zend Conference, I quietly released Pirum, a simple PEAR channel server manager. As some people talk about it on “social networks”, I thought I should write an official announcement on my blog to explain where I come from.
How I compiled PHP 5.3 on my Snow Leopard laptop.
This was my first Zend Conference, and I must say I had a great time there. The organization was top notch, there were plenty of good sessions, and the unconference topics proved to be very interesting.
My post about template engines in PHP had now more than 70 comments, and counting. This follow-up tries to answer the most asked questions.
So, you think PHP is a templating engine? So did I… for a very long time. But recently, I changed my mind. Here is why.
As you might have noticed, I’m the new project manager of Swift Mailer, a powerful mailing library for PHP.
During my holidays, I took the chance to step back a little and think about my day-to-day work. In this post, I try to explain why hacking is really an art.
During fall, I will speak at several conferences: the Japan PHP conference in Japan, the Zend PHP conference in the USA, the Forum PHP in France, and the PHP International Conference in Germany.
I’m proud to announce that symfony has been chosen as a finalist for the Sourceforge Community Choice Awards.
The one where I talk about Pimple.
Twitter is everywhere nowadays. Odds are eventually you will want to tweet
from PHP. No need to use one of the numerous PHP Twitter libraries, as
tweeting is as simple as using the PHP built-in file_get_contents()
If you need to regularly connect to a lot of different servers like I do, you will probably enjoy this tip!
PHP 5.3 is just around the corner with a lot of great new features. But what for PHP 6?
PHP 5.3 will have a lot of exiting new features, and one of the most important one for me is the introduction of lambda functions and closures support.
During the first five articles of this series on Dependency Injection, we have progressively introduced the main concepts behind this simple and useful design pattern. In this last article, we will see how to use some dumpers to have outstanding performance.
With the last article on Dependency Injection, you learned how to describe services with PHP code by using the sfServiceContainerBuilder class. Today, with the help of service loaders and dumpers, you will learn how to use XML or YAML to describe your services.
In the previous article on Dependency Injection, you learned how to use the sfServiceContainer class to provide a more appealing interface to your service containers. In this article, we will go one step further and learn how to leverage the sfServiceContainerBuilder class to describe services and their configuration in pure PHP code.
Until now in this series on Dependency Injection, we have talked about general concepts. These two introductory articles were important to better understand the implementation we will talk about in this article and in the following ones. It is now time to dive into the Symfony 2 service container implementation.
In the first installment of this series on Dependency Injection, I have tried to give concrete web examples of Dependency Injection in action. Today, I will talk about Dependency Injection Containers.
This article is the first of a series on Dependency Injection in general and the implementation of a Dependency Injection Container in PHP.
Websites like Twitter makes URL shortener services a must. My main concern with URL shortening is that you loose all the meaning embedded in the URLs. I wanted a shortener URL service that gives short URLs, but also keep some sort of meaningful information about the original URL.
Yesterday, I fixed a bug that looks very weird at first. In this post, I will describe the problem, the solution I found, and explain some PHP behaviors in the process.
As probably many of you, I am tired to read blog posts about non-sense
micro-optimizations like replacing print
by echo
, ++$i
by $i++
, or
double quotes by single quotes. Why? Because 99.999999% of the time, you don’t
care. Why? Because 99.99% of the time, you’d better install a PHP accelerator
like APC, or add these missing indexes on some
database columns, or try to avoid those 1000 database requests per page.
Last year, I deployed a new tool to manage symfony plugins. The first goal of this tool was to simplify the process of contributing new plugins. It proved to be very successful, and I had a good feeling that the plugin creation rate was rising since then. And yesterday, I wanted to have hard numbers to back me up.
Some days ago, I started to use twitter. I am not sure how it will works for me, but I will try to do some experiments with it.
Just after the immediate availability of symfony 1.2, I was very proud to announce the 2008 symfony advent calendar: Jobeet.
Learn how to easily test your Propel classes
Learn how to customize the template used by your actions.
In this post, I try to explain the philosophy behind the new symfony form framework and how it sticks to the MVC pattern.
Learn how to customize the Propel generated SQL by executing some SQL statements after the propel-insert-sql
task (propel:insert-sql
in symfony 1.1).
Learn how to stay up to date with the symfony 1.0 branch.
Learn how to automatically customize the symfony generated classes author name.
Learn how to rename a symfony module step by step.
Learn how to rename a symfony application step by step.
Learn how to clear the symfony cache without using the command line. This tip is quite useful if you only have FTP access to your production server.
Welcome to my blog!
You are reading a blog about web technologies. It's written by Fabien Potencier — fabpot, the founder of , , and the project. My Open-Source Projects Symfony Twig PHP Coding Standards Fixer Pimple ... and many more on fabpot , symfony , and FriendsOfPHP Some older Open-Source Projects Silex SwiftMailer Goutte Sismo My PGP Key My fingerprint: DD4E C589 15FF 888A 8A3D D898 EB8A A69A 566C 0795