The PHP Security Advisories Database

Fabien Potencier

Oct 26, 2014

A year and a half ago, I was very proud to announce a new initiative to create a database of known security vulnerabilities for projects using Composer. It has been a great success so far; many people extended the database with their own advisories. As of today, we have vulnerabilities for Doctrine, DomPdf, Laravel, SabreDav, Swiftmailer, Twig, Yii, Zend Framework, and of course Symfony (we also have entries for some Symfony bundles like UserBundle, RestBundle, and JsTranslationBundle.)

The security checker is now included by default in all new Symfony project via sensiolabs/SensioDistributionBundle; checking vulnerabilities is as easy as it can get:

$ ./app/console security:check

If you are not using Symfony, you can easily use the web interface, the command line tool, or the HTTP API. And of course, you are free to build your own tool, based on the advisories stored in the “database”.

Today, I’ve decided to get one step further and to clarify my intent with this database: I don’t want the database to be controlled by me or SensioLabs, I want to help people find libraries they must upgrade now. That’s the reason why I’ve added a LICENSE for the database, which is now into the public domain.

Also, even if I’ve been managing this database since the beginning with only good intentions, it is important that the data are not controlled by just one person. We need one centralized repository for all PHP libraries, but a distributed responsibility. As this repository is a good starting point, I’ve decided to move the repository from the SensioLabs organization to the FriendsOfPHP organization.

I hope that these changes will help the broader PHP community. So, who wants to help?